
I am new to osTicket... I have installed osTicket (v1.7.0) recently and I would like to know if some of the actions can be configured.

1. User registration form -> So that I know who all are accessing

2. User profile -> To know who the user is and to store some details about user.

3. Access permissions ->

a. Person who created the ticket should also be able to close the ticket.

b. Show fields on 'New ticket' form based on users details (stored in user profile)

4. Adding fields -> Enhancing the 'New ticket' form by adding new fields.

I think all these points seems essential to make the platform much more stronger.



1. you've posted this to the 1.6 section, and state that your using 1.7 so you posted this to the wrong place. I'll move it to the 1.7 section for you.

2. There is currently no way within the osTicket core to do as you are describing, as there technically is no user account per se. There are plans to add some (if not all) of the functionality you have mentioned and that has been stated on the forums several times.

Sry for posting in wrong section and thanks for moving it to correct section.

Looking forward for the new features on OsTicket.



2 months later


User registration is most essential part for our requirement too. We used Trellis desk, kayako in our organization and they all are providing this feature.

Thanks and regards,

Gitesh Trivedi

As I said previously there is a plan to implement better user accounts currently on the roadmap. It's currently slated for 1.10 which will probably be out some time next year.

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