we are facing the same problem running latest osTicket version. Already tracked it down to a specific function, but didn't go any further at the moment. The files are posted back to the server using a hash like var-name, but then the parsing into the 'files' property fails (to be more specific - after this call (scp/tickets.php - line #174):
$vars['files'] = $response_form->getField('attachments')->getFiles();
this call should parse the attachments to the files array but it sometimes fails. the files var is still empty. so there might be a parsing issue in the getField('attachments') or getFiles method. Here's how the vars array (part of it) looks like after the above function call:
array(2) {
string(54) "46752,file_name_1.pdf"
string(49) "43101,file_name_2.pdf"
string(4) "mine"
string(1) "1"
array(0) {
after a successfull parse it looks like this:
10262 ["a79085951fc462"]=>
10263 array(1) {
10264 [0]=>
10265 string(54) "46752,file_name_1.pdf"
10266 }
10267 ["signature"]=>
10268 string(4) "mine"
10269 ["reply_status_id"]=>
10270 string(1) "3"
10271 ["files"]=>
10272 array(1) {
10273 [0]=>
10274 array(2) {
10275 ["id"]=>
10276 int(46752)
10277 ["name"]=>
10278 string(48) "file_name_1.pdf"
10279 }
10280 }
We also suspect some timeout or so, but atm we don't fully understand the form-parsing process here (still need to dig deeper).
Maybe thats a hint for someone whos more into this?
Would appreciate solving this issue, as its pretty annoying ...
Edit: added Screen of our install-specs: