Hi all. Long-time RT user. RT is a few versions old on an old Centos instance. We need to migrate and change email settings and I'm frankly not interested in doing another RT install. osTicket comes very highly recommended and sounds much easier to install, so I think I'll try it. Before I do, a couple of must-haves that I'd like to know if are doable.
1) With RT, the user sends an email to computer support (email group consisting of 3 staff, and the ticket system) this creates a ticket in RT, with no auto-reply. Staff member takes the ticket, replies inside the ticket, and the user gets an email. User's reply to the email goes in the ticket and the ticket owner gets an email. At no time does the user interact with the ticket system. They have no account, and no access. Email only.
2) Has to work with hosted exchange (365) and our latest requirement, has to be able to interact with some non-company users with external emails. Right now rt uses an email account on the Linux box rt@hostname.city.company.ca Wheras our company emails are user@company.ca and recent attempts at dealing with that makes me want to install a fresh RT (don't want to break it, and need a new install anyway) and that's when thought maybe switching. Prefer to run on Alma Linux, but not critical. Would also like it to co-exist with Nagios, and Snipe-IT if possible.
That's it. Yes I could install and try all this, thought I'd save waiting time if this isn't possible.
Thanks in advance!
Potential new user, a couple of "will it do this" questions
Everything up to the part where you say they do not interact with the ticket system and have no account and no email is correct. They would be able to interact with the ticket system if they want to, and yes they would have an account. Agents would also need to use the ticket system when they reply, not emails.
The company that I work for uses osTicket with o365 so yes you can use o365 for mails.
ntozier Thanks! I watched a tutorial on installation email setup and it looks pretty good.
Looks easy enough that a test install won't take much work at all.
Very welcome. If you have any specific questions feel free to post.
side note: I haven't been on the forums much on the weekends recently, so you will definitely get a faster response (from me) during the week.
Thanks again. Did the install last night, other than a minor issue finding a PHP extension, all went well. Definitely easier than the perl module hell with the previous product.
It's up and running. We're a relatively small (80 users) company so we try to keep things as personal as possible, hence the desire for no auto-reply, simple interaction via email. The only issue so far that management may be concerned about is when an agent replies to a ticket, that email to the requester comes from osticket, not the agent's email. Not a show-stopper by any means, just different from what we're used to. Still sifting through the options and settings, maybe that's configurable. I'll turn it loose on my team and see what they think.
You can't configure osTicket to send mail from Agent email addresses at this time. You can however set Signatures for each Department; each Agent can configure their own as well. The Signatures are added to the email the User receives so they will be able to see who sent it that way.
Happy to report, we went live yesterday, the support team likes it, don't think the users even noticed.