
I wish to export a csv of monthly completed tickets along with hyperlinks to them. Is there anyway to do that?

Thank you.

This is not a feature in osTicket at this time.

You could probably write a script to query the information from the database though.

Ah, that's a shame. I'm not too great with writing scripts, can you give me a hint on where to start?

Thank you very much 🙂

That would really depend on how much information (data points) you are looking to extract.
The more you want to pull out the more complex it will be.

a mysql Query like
select ticket_id,number FROMost_ticketWHERE created BETWEEN '2022-01-01' AND '2022-01-31'

would get you a list of all ticket_id's and their ticket numbers created between the dates.

Then you can loop through the results and output it.
You would build the url to the ticket like this

Then you could use html to link the url.

<a href=http://YOURDOMAIN.TLD/scp/tickets.php?id=ticket_id>number</a>

If you want to do more than that you would need to look at the database ERDs to make the query more complex.

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