Buenas saludos , he tenido problemas haciendo soporte a mi osticket , ya que al escribir una respuesta a los tickets y JUSTIFICARLA o tratar de alinearla me cambia las palabras a ingles .

¿ alguien sabra la solución a este problema ?, ¿les abra pasado algo parecido ?

    --- Google Translate ---
    Good regards, I have had problems supporting my osticket, since writing an answer to the tickets and JUSTIFYING it or trying to align it changes the words to English.

    Will someone know the solution to this problem? Did something similar happen to them?
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    Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance. The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.

    Environment details? (see Admin panel -> Dashboard -> Information)
    Steps to re-produce?

    soportecrm eso no tiene nada que ver con osticket, eso es del navegador, intenta con otro navegador y no te pasara

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