I try to export audit log but it's not working , someone can give me any help ??
osTicket Version v1.15.4 (6bd7884)
Web Server Software Microsoft-IIS/10.0
MySQL Version 8.0.27
PHP Version 7.3.32
I try to export audit log but it's not working , someone can give me any help ??
osTicket Version v1.15.4 (6bd7884)
Web Server Software Microsoft-IIS/10.0
MySQL Version 8.0.27
PHP Version 7.3.32
I had the same issue on my system. I think that it was resolved by changing the permissions on the PHP temp directory.
(Sorry I am in an airport right now, and do not have access to my production sites atm to check into this further.)
You should apply Kevin's Best Answer from https://forum.osticket.com/d/104022-ticket-export-fails-in-118x/9 to the plugin ('osticket_dir'/include/plugins/audit.phar).
1.- unphar de plugin
2.- edit audit.php (Coment the line '@$exporter->delete();')
3.- phar the plugin