
A couple of queries regarding Filters ..

Our Helpdesk System requires auto-assigning tickets to individual agents, instead of departments or teams... What complicates matters further is the fact that

1. We have well over 20 Main Help-Topics, with each Main Help-Topic further categorized into 5-15 sub Help-Topics..

2. Auto Assigning/routing to each agent is done, based on Organization AND Help-Topic .. So, Example Organization is ACME, and Help-Topic is IT, then ticket gets auto-assigned to AGENT 1. However if Organization is PRICE-MART and Help-topics is IT, then the ticket gets auto-assigned to AGENT 5

3. We have more than 25 Organizations/Clients

4. More than 25 Agents

5 The various filtering combinations/permutations would exceed 100

Now my queries/concerns are ..

The filter priorities mentioned are just 1-99...So, can osticket handle more than 99 filters..

Also, is it possible to have a Filter Rule with the following Logic ..

If Organization = ACME
If Help-Topic = IT or Help-Topic = Admin
Assign Ticket to Agent 2

    FunkFuMaster Also, is it possible to have a Filter Rule with the following Logic ..

    If Organization = ACME
    If Help-Topic = IT or Help-Topic = Admin
    Assign Ticket to Agent 2


    Never used it this way.
    But I think this should work

    Ahh .... I thought as much that it may be possible via REGEX.. However, I didn't know how to go about it . .. thanks.. I'll give it shot..

    FunkFuMaster The filter priorities mentioned are just 1-99...So, can osticket handle more than 99 filters..

    Yes. My understanding is that the Execution Order number helps organize the order that the filters are applied (executed).

    I do not know anyone that uses a boat load of filters, but remember two things:

    • lots of filter means more processing time in the form and will slow the product.
    • filters only fire at time of ticket creation.


      lots of filter means more processing time in the form and will slow the product.
      filters only fire at time of ticket creation.

      Yep, I am aware of this, and have also made the higher-ups aware of this ..

      @mLipok - I tried the regex method but it's not working .. Most probably cause I'm not doing it the right way.

      Instead of using it on Help Topics, I'm trying to use it on text-based options from a Custom-List..

      3 years later

      I don't know if you ever found a solution to your issue, but the way I am using regex in my filters is in the following format

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