Hi, I am testing from the terminal of my osTicket to send mails via SMTP relay from Gmail with telnet and I can do it without problems. The emails arrive.
telnet smtp-relay.gmail.com 25
HELO somedomain.com
MAIL FROM: <hello@somedomain.com>
RCPT TO: <some@somedomain.com>
From: hello@somedomain.com
To: some@somedomain.com
Subject: Test smtp-relax
Test mail
But when configuring osTicket I have this error:
Where else could I look for the cause of the problem?
I found nothing in the PHP logs even if I activate the logs to file.
Thanks in advance for your help
Server Information
osTicket Version v1.14.2 (cba6035)
— v1.14.7 is available
Web Server Software Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips PHP/7.2.31
MySQL Version 10.2.32
PHP Version 7.2.31
PHP Extensions
gdlib Used for image manipulation and PDF printing
imap Used for email fetching
xml-dom Used for HTML email processing
json Improves performance creating and processing JSON
mbstring Highly recommended for non western european language content
phar Highly recommended for plugins and language packs
intl Highly recommended for non western european language content
fileinfo Used to detect file types for uploads
zip Used for ticket and task exporting
APCu Improves overall performance
Zend Opcache Improves overall performance
PHP Settings
cgi.fix_pathinfo "1" is recommended if AJAX is not working
date.timezone America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
Database Information and Usage
Schema osticketdb (localhost)
Schema Signature 4bd47d94b10bd8a6bab35c119dadf41f
Space Used 92.64 MiB
Space for Attachments 11.52 MiB
Timezone -03 (Interpreted as America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)