Ever since using github's Markdown Editor, I've been wanting to see it everywhere. Then NextCloud adopted the md format with their Notes app. I'd love to at least have the option to use markdown instead of html when creating tickets or writing knowledge base articles.

Edit: Markdown is even used on this forum... For instance, I can:

import md
class UseMarkdown:
    def __init__():
        my_var = Post some code
  • do
  • a
  • quick
  • bullet
  • list
    Oh look, some inline code

Headers too?

Little Headers!

Everything works as it should!

| can | I | do | tables? |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| eh | nope | not | tables |

A --> B;
B --> C;
C --> D;

Nope, no graphs...

  • [x] Not
  • [x] Checkboxes
  • [ ] either

I can do links though! Here's NextCloud's Blog Post on markdown

anyways, that was fun... Can I do this in osTicket?


All of this requires modifications to the codebase. You'll need to modify the Redactor codebase (3rd party text editor) to allow markdown (or remove it and add your own editor that supports markdown- which will break things like attachments, inline images, canned responses, drafts, locking mechanism, etc.), you'll have to modify the sanitization code to not strip the different markdown formats, you'll have to modify the thread displays to convert MD to HTML, etc.


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