I am trying to install osticketing on latest centos 8. I have all installed apache, mysql and php and always get white blank page. Also I have no error in logs. when I point my web browser to IP, blank white page, even when I try on server with localhost is the same.
Any idea what can be wrong?

If I remember correctly you will get a blank page if SELINUX is enable so make sure SELINUX=disabled.

So if you type 'sestatus it returns SELinux status: disabled'?

What about the firewall in the OS?

Disable the firewall in CentOS and try again. I set mine to allow traffic on port 80 so I can access from a remote computer.

Firewall is also disabled. When I disable conf file in apache for osticketing I get apache first page. I also put in osticketing folder phpinfo.php file with all php infos and that also open fine. But when I try osticketing always blank white page.

I foundout where was a problem. Somehow when I unzip and copy files it didnt copy all folders and files. I did that 2 times and the same so now I unziped it directly into var/www/html/osticket
now all files are there and I can install it

Just to clarify are you trying to bring up osTicket for the very first time on this machine to run through the setup?

I created a directory called osTicket under /var/www/html and unzipped osTicket 1.15.2 into it. I have not created a virtual host at this time. I copied the /include/ost-sampleconfig.php file to ost-config.php restarted apache and can access both the apache test page and the osTicket test page. I also created a file called info.php in /var/www/html directory that provides php details.

Excellent! Our posts crossed. Glad that you got it to work.

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