I am having a problem receiving notifications of customer replies when using AWS SES (simple email service).
If we use our domain email everything is fine in OS Ticket. However, Microsoft severs don't like our IP address, so we have been trying to use AWS SES as an alternative for sending answers to those customers. When we do that and the customer responds, then we do not get an alert sent to the agent. However, if the customer sends multiple responses to the same answer, then the second, third etc. do send an alert to the agent.
I tried to figure this out by putting some logging into the code, and the reason for no alert is that in class.ticket.php the 'autorespond' variable has been set to false, I think because of differing email domains when sending through AWS and receiving through our domain. Doing a grep on the code the only place I could find 'autorepond' being set to false was in class.filter_action.php::FA_DisableAutoResponse. However, putting a log entry in that function, it never seemed to get called. So, I am kind of stymied.
Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.