Our primary use of osTicket is the KB rather than Ticketing.

We are trying to get our clients to use the KB and it is very successful but for a small omission which is raising a lot of complaints.

If one clicks on the Knowledgebase link at the top (the natural place to go) one gets a list of Categories, which is OK. BUT there is no 'search KB' option on that page.

It is causing a lot of confusion. We have to tell people to use the the Support Centre Home link, where there is a search option.

I see there is a search option if you go Knowledgebase > select any Category; so why not in the most logical place where it belongs?

I understand the likely logic behind the current flow: select the most likely category and from there do a search. That might work for some but for us the categories are not clear cut and most searches are done on a single word.

2 years later

Hey mate,

(I know this is quite old now but I thought it might help if someone else is looking for the same thing...)

I was checking out the KB last night and same thing caught my eye as well... When I searched, I came across this which didn't have a reply... so I decided to take things to my own hands... This may not eb cleanest solution but it worked for me and it will definitely break with a new update... so you might want to keep track of your changes...

I added below code to index.php in kb folder
below this line --> "require(CLIENTINC_DIR.'header.inc.php');"
if ($cfg && $cfg->isKnowledgebaseEnabled()) { ?>
<div class="search-form">
<form method="get" action="faq.php">
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="search"/>
<input type="text" name="q" class="search" style="width: 680px;" placeholder="<?php echo __('Search our knowledge base'); ?>"/>
<button type="submit" class="green button"><?php echo __('Search'); ?></button>
<?php } ?>

above this line --> "require(CLIENTINC_DIR.$inc);"
This works for the latest version of OS ticket at the time I am writing this.. I think

It bring the search box from the landing page over to your KB page...

6 days later

Thank you.

I have tried that on and got different results - I ended up with two search lines on the original page and still nothing on the KB page.

The code I am seeing is different from what you quote.

Where you write 'below this line ...' I can see that line.
But what you quote as 'above this line...' does not exist.
I put your code after the line you indicted and before the lines

<div id="landing_page">
<?php include CLIENTINC_DIR.'templates/sidebar.tmpl.php'; ?>
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