sorry the first one work with osTicket,
please help me to find the adress in CENTOS to make this changes ๐Ÿ˜›lease take a minute to delete setup/install directory (../setup/) for security reasons.


  • RBGE replied to this.

    mobyk After you upload the osTicket files to your server, you'll go through the setup phase (setting up the DB, setting the admin password, etc...). Once you've done this, you want to remove the entire setup/ directory from your server - it's included in the ones you uploaded.

    Just ditch the setup/ folder - leave everything else there!

    sorry but cant find and have the same error, i find the osticket path and delete setup directory

    • RBGE replied to this.

      mobyk Did you delete the folder itself, and not just the contents? If, for example, your osTicket installation is in /var/www/html/ then you'd have to delete the entire /var/www/html/setup/ folder. You shouldn't need to restart Apache/IIS afterwards, but it can't hurt to do so.

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