I just noticed that every page title in the client section is exactly the same --- the company name as defined in the settings.

Is this how it is supposed to work? This is going to create a problem with the search engine if the page titles are all the same and not descriptive of the page content.

I searched and can not find where anyone has discussed this in the past.

I made a quick patch that will display the full title of the respective FAQ in the page title, and some generic titles for the other standard pages, if anyone wants to use it.


// $title=($cfg && is_object($cfg) && $cfg->getTitle())
// ? $cfg->getTitle() : 'osTicket :: '.__('Support Ticket System');

if ( $faq && is_object($faq) && $faq->getLocalQuestion() )
$title = "FAQ: " . $faq->getLocalQuestion();
elseif ( $category && is_object($category) && $category->getFullName() )
$title = "FAQ Category: " . $category->getFullName();
elseif ( preg_match( "/open.php/", $SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) )
$title = "Help Desk: Open a New Support Ticket" ;
elseif ( preg_match( "/view.php/", $
$title = "Help Desk: Check Existing Support Ticket Status" ;
elseif ( preg_match( "/kb\/index.php/", $SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) )
$title = "Help Desk: Knowledgebase Home" ;
elseif ( preg_match( "/kb\/faq.php?a=search/", $
$title = "Help Desk: Search Results" ;
$title=($cfg && is_object($cfg) && $cfg->getTitle())
? $cfg->getTitle() : 'osTicket :: '.__('Support Ticket System');

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