I am wanting to create a custom HTML template that is applied to all emails configured under Admin > Email > Templates
Basically what I want to do is create a wrapper that makes the email look fancy and professional and then insert the content configured in the OSTicket Templates. is this possible and where would i start?
I am trying to achieve something like the following: https://cdn.dribbble.com/users/283789/screenshots/2005765/attachments/353110/Hailo-Confirm-Email-Big.png
You can do it in every template, as you want. From my own experience is better use a HTML editor: Test it by sending an e-mail.
As example our "New message alert" in two languages:
Thanks for your reply PavelH
While I am aware I can do some basic HTML in the template body, I'm looking for a way to create a content template that applies to all emails but only has to be edited in one place to change all emails.
Then you have only two options. 1. Make one template and copy it into others templates manually or 2. Make one template and copy it with your own SQL Querry into every cell as you want in table ost_email_template in DB.
Hi @LewisHackfath! Have you managed to customize all emails at once by modifying just one existing file? I'm looking for the same thing... Will appreciate any help. Thanks!
alvarore i think I was able to do this by editing the function that sent emails. I don’t remember anymore sorry, I no longer work for the company I was making the customisation for. But from memory I edited the function that was sending the emails and created a template file that I used and it inserted the body into that template before it sent. Not sure if this would still work in the new version of OS ticket though