By default the Open Tickets list has a Date Created column.But I don't really care when a ticket was created. What is important to me is when the ticket is due.I've found the function responsible in, line 550:<?php echo Format:($T) ?: $date_fallback; ?>I am not a PHP guy, although I can usually figure out how to modify existing code to fit my own needs. But in this case I have to ask: what kind of black magic is this?!Correct me if I am mistaken, but this one function is responsible for displaying:a) Date Created on Open Tickets pageb) Last Response on Answered Tickets pagec) Due Date on Overdue Tickets page andd) Date Closed on Closed Tickets page.Obviously I'm missing something. How can i show Due Date on Open Tickets page?

I just realized that which date is displayed (a to d in the list above) is contingent upon which Sort Order is being used.And each Ticket page (Open / Answered / Overdue / Closed) has its own default Sort Order.So i guess my actual question must be: how do I change the default Sort Order of the Open Tickets page to Due Date?

I figured it out! Line 196:    $queue_sort_options = array('priority,updated', 'updated',        'priority,due', 'due', 'priority,created', 'answered', 'number',        'hot');...changes to:    $queue_sort_options = array('priority,due', 'due', 'priority,updated',        'updated', 'answered', 'priority,created', 'number', 'hot');Done.Thank you all. You've been a wonderful audience.

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