I'm having a problem getting the auto-complete feature to work.

I don't really need people to login using their Active Directory account, just want the fields to filled out based on what they type in for their email address.

I did the ldap test and it gives me information for all 3 tests.

I'm sure I'm probably doing something stupid.

I'm having a problem getting the auto-complete feature to work.

I don't really need people to login using their Active Directory account, just want the fields to filled out based on what they type in for their email address.

I did the ldap test and it gives me information for all 3 tests.

I'm sure I'm probably doing something stupid.

The ldap login is required to get autocomplete working. Else the mod won't know who the user is.

I need a bit more information to help you.

What exactly isn't working for you? What settings did you use? What does the Diagnostic page return?

How to use MOD


I have installed OSTicket on my local computer for testing purposes before getting deployed on the company server.

To use this MOD for testing purposes, do I need to install OSTicket on Server?

Also to use this, all I have to do is to copy files from zip file to my source location?

Looks like I am missing a table ost_ldap_config?

Should it be created automatically?



I have installed OSTicket on my local computer for testing purposes before getting deployed on the company server.

To use this MOD for testing purposes, do I need to install OSTicket on Server?

All you need is a Webserver and a Server providing LDAP. That can be a testing environment. Or you could install this on a Testwebserver and provide the LDAP Server you already use. They only need to be in the same domain if you want to test SSO.

Also to use this, all I have to do is to copy files from zip file to my source location?

If you don't have any other mods that require changes of the zipped files that should be all you have to do.

Looks like I am missing a table ost_ldap_config?

Should it be created automatically?


Normally the ldap table should be created automatically, yes.

Where did you encounter that error? Seems I've forgotten checking that on that page. If you log into SCP it should be created.

Normally the ldap table should be created automatically, yes.

Where did you encounter that error? Seems I've forgotten checking that on that page. If you log into SCP it should be created.

I dont have any other MOD installed.

Tables didn't created automatically. I am getting error "DB Error #1146

Table 'support.ost_ldap_config' doesn't exist

Can I get the details of the table or better if I can get SCRIPT?

Thanks in advance.

Thanks for helping out.


I have removed all the files and upload all the files back.

Looks like now the tables has been created. May be the script didn't run last time.

Thanks again for your support.


I have removed all the files and upload all the files back.

Looks like now the tables has been created. May be the script didn't run last time.

Thanks again for your support.


Argh, and I've just created a patch to test

Glad, that it runs for you now.

Hello again, I have encountered a problem, not sure where my problem exist:

When i Change to 636/SSL I get the following error message during LDAP Test:

Result: Leave empty to use the Administrator in LDAP Settings

calling ldap_connect with: "ldaps://SERVERFQDN"


binding to ldap with "user@domain.ext" and his password

Can't contact LDAP server

errno: -1

Cannot authenticate with LDAP server.

If I try to connect to LDAP Server by Softerra LDAP Browser, it uses the exact same phrase as it is shown above, but it work. Any Idea what is going wrong? Corp Domain and Username are removed, but exists and are working.

Certificate on server is available and valid.

Hello again, I have encountered a problem, not sure where my problem exist:

When i Change to 636/SSL I get the following error message during LDAP Test:

Result: Leave empty to use the Administrator in LDAP Settings

calling ldap_connect with: "ldaps://SERVERFQDN"


binding to ldap with "user@domain.ext" and his password

Can't contact LDAP server

errno: -1

Cannot authenticate with LDAP server.

If I try to connect to LDAP Server by Softerra LDAP Browser, it uses the exact same phrase as it is shown above, but it work. Any Idea what is going wrong? Corp Domain and Username are removed, but exists and are working.

SSL requires you to add the openssl extension to php and set up your openldap configuration correctly.

Instructions for Windows:


(http://php.net/manual/en/function.ldap-bind.php) scroll down to the comment of 'ben _at_ onshop_co_uk'

I don't have any instructions for linux, sorry. Perhaps someone else here can help you with that.

Nope, Windows is fine, I´m on windows. :) I will check, Thank You very much! It is around get a connect to an active directory. And if I don´t use SSL, it works, but I don´t want to send the passwords unencrypted for login to LDAP Server.

Update: I followed the steps from http://greg.cathell.net/php_ldap_ssl.html(http://greg.cathell.net/php_ldap_ssl.html), as far as possible, as the Certificate already exists, but it still does not work. Is there any possible way to see why it cannot reach the LDAP-Server?

I've received positive feedback from the testers of our new osTicket with SSO. One request was to add back the ability to open a ticket on another user's behalf for those times when the requester can't or won't do it themselves. Can we add a button on the "Open a New Ticket" dialog to enable changing the Full Name and email address?

Second thing - when a user creates a new ticket, their phone number doesn't show up in the phone field on the My Tickets page.


i've just installed a brand new osticket 1.7 on a new easyphp server on a windows 7 workstation

Did the setup , installed your V8 mode, filled all the LDAP settings

but when i want to enable , i have an HTTP error 500

Any Idea ?

Update: I followed the steps from http://greg.cathell.net/php_ldap_ssl.html(http://greg.cathell.net/php_ldap_ssl.html), as far as possible, as the Certificate already exists, but it still does not work. Is there any possible way to see why it cannot reach the LDAP-Server?

You have to use the ca certificate that certified the ldap server you use.

this is the content of my ldap.conf


TLS_CACERT C:\openldap\sysconf\ca.pem

Maybe try to use another php based ldaps capable program to connect. Apart from that i have no ideas at the moment.

Can we add a button on the "Open a New Ticket" dialog to enable changing the Full Name and email address?

If you don't force clientlogins that functionality is already there. You have to click on the guest ticket creation button or link to the open.php directly. When you do that you also have to make sure that there is no valid session at that moment. The users must type the email correctly, else you'll have problems adressing those tickets. If i remember correctly the emails in the database are case sensitive.

Second thing - when a user creates a new ticket, their phone number doesn't show up in the phone field on the My Tickets page.

If the phone field in ldap returns the correct value you could try to set the extension length to zero. You would have to delete all tickets of the user to get test results.


i've just installed a brand new osticket 1.7 on a new easyphp server on a windows 7 workstation

Did the setup , installed your V8 mode, filled all the LDAP settings

but when i want to enable , i have an HTTP error 500

Any Idea ?

Please check if the ldap extension is enabled on that server. If that's the case please post the php error that you get.

now it works, I have to move ldap.conf to C:\ldap.conf. That was all. Now SSL encrypted LDAP is working fine, seems it is new path forApache/2.4.4 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.0.1e PHP/5.4.14

Hi everyone!

First, big thanks to Thane for all your work on this, it's been a life saver, and to the others who have been extensively testing - I've been following closely through all the versions and have managed to get it all working which is great :)

My question is - am I able to change the labels for 'User/E-Mail Address' and 'Password/Ticket ID' on the login.php (login.inc.php), line 14.

<?php echo LDAP:()?'User'.'/'.'E-Mail Address':'E-Mail Address';?>:

I want them to simply say



As users are getting confused by trying to enter their email.

Apologies if this is simple, but I keep getting syntax wrong, and I'm not sure if it will break the LDAP!




To get the results you want change the line

<label for="email"><?php echo LDAP:()?'User'.'/'.'E-Mail Address':'E-Mail Address';?>:</label>


<label for="email">User:</label>

And the line

<label for="ticketno"><?php echo LDAP:()?'Password'.'/'.'Ticket ID':'Ticket ID';?>:</label>


<label for="ticketno">Password:</label>

I'll add an option in the next patch (may take a while) to do that.


To get the results you want change the line

<label for="email"><?php echo LDAP:()?'User'.'/'.'E-Mail Address':'E-Mail Address';?>:</label>


<label for="email">User:</label>

And the line

<label for="ticketno"><?php echo LDAP:()?'Password'.'/'.'Ticket ID':'Ticket ID';?>:</label>


<label for="ticketno">Password:</label>

I'll add an option in the next patch (may take a while) to do that.

Thanks Thane! That's awesome! Sorry, I realise it was relatively simple, just not 100% with PHP :)

5 days later

I do the same as is described above, but all the same leaves:

Result: Leave empty to use the Administrator in LDAP Settings

calling ldap_connect with: "*******" and port "389"


binding to ldap with "*******" and his password

using the filter: "(&(sAMAccountName=pvv))"

calling ldap_search with the domain: "DC=***,DC=local", the Filter: "(&(sAMAccountName=pvv))" and the Attributes: "array("givenname")"

LDAP returned field data: "Владимир"

Debug of function ldapGetEmail():

getting the email of user: "pvv"

binding to ldap with "*****" and his password

calling ldap_search with the domain: "DC=*****,DC=local", the Filter: "(&(sAMAccountName=pvv))" and the Attributes: "array("mail")"

LDAP returned field data: "*******"

Debug of function ldapGetUsernameFromEmail():

getting the user of email: "*****"

binding to ldap with "*****" and his password

calling ldap_search with the domain: "DC=****,DC=local", the Filter: "(&(mail=*****))" and the Attributes: "array("samaccountname")"

LDAP returned field data: "pvv"


Looks like the settings are correct. Seems there is an encoding mismatch in givenname. What type of encoding does your ldap return?

UTF-8. Or I didn't understand something?