Hi everyone,So, I'm planning to use OSTicket as ticketsystem for my company. But I want to use it only as an internal ticketsystem and because of that, I want to remove the buttons to open a new ticket and to view tickets from the landing page. Which files I've to edit for removing these buttons?

I did this to change the "Check ticket status" button to be a "Knowledgebase" button instead.include/client/templates/sidebar.tmpl.php@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ </p> <?php } ?> <p>-            <a href="view.php" style="display" class="green button"><?php-                echo __('Check Ticket Status');?></a>+            <a href="kb/index.php" style="display" class="green button"><?php+                echo __('Knowledgebase');?></a> </p>         </div> <?php } ?>The other button is just above this, so take a look at include/client/templates/sidebar.tmpl.php, that should straightforward to set to remove those 2 buttons.Cheers.

Thank you for your help!But I did it the easy way now, so I've just edited the css file /assets/default/css/theme.css and set the visibility to hidden.Not a very clean solution, but it works for me :)Discussion can be closed

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