Hi,In User Catalog, i found 12 users with no name, just the icon and number of tickets in every row. Problem is that if name is missing, there is no link to press and check what tickets belong to the user. So I went to the database, table ost_user and update column name as "NONAME USER" where name = "". First I run a select * where name="" and I found the 12 records. After Update, I can click on every name and see their tickets.Osticket should add a default name to new users when their email has no name.RegardsGeorge

By default the name field is required so it can never be empty.It's also not possible to change it to not be required in the interface, have you modified anything in your setup?

Tickets are created only from email, we don't use osticket's portal.

Do the emails sender have displaynames?Does the sender mail contain any unusal characters such as quotations? ASCII 1-127 characters? or a special character like  ?I do agree that if it's possible to not get any name, there should be a placeholder for it.

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