- Edited
Hi,i want to achieve 3 different ticket states to get a better overview of all our tickets:Openonly for new, unanswered ticketsIn Progresswith two sub-status:- In Progress (Action required by Support-Team)- In Progress (Action required by Customer)Closedwith the default:- Closed- ResolvedIn my point of view i need to do the following:Add the statuses at: Admin Panel -> Manage -> Lists -> Ticket StatusesDONEMake sure that the ticket status is set to "In Progress (Action required by Customer)" by default when an agent replies:DONE (this just selects always this status by default in the drop down field - see attachment)If someone is interested in this, here is what i changed (green color). Please note that you will have to find out the ID of the status you want to set via your database (table os_ticket_status or similar, depending on your prefix "os_").File:/var/www/html/osticket/include/staff/ticket-view.inc.phpforeach (TicketStatusList:( array('states' => $states)) as $s) { if (!$s->isEnabled()) continue;+ $current = ($statusId == $s->getId()); //added this line+~ $selected = ('8' == $s->getId()); //changed this line echo sprintf('<option value="%d" %s>%s%s</option>', $s->getId(), $selected ? 'selected="selected"' : '', __($s->getName()), $current ? (' ('.__('current').')') : '' //renamed variable here );Make sure that the ticket status is set to "In Progress (Action required by Support-Team)" by default when a customer replies:Which file do i need to edit here? Simplest solution would be to change the SQL Query when the reply gets written in the database, but i can't find the right file.Thank you for your help!