Is there anyway of adding a new user to an existing organisation based on there email address.

I.e. Every time someone creates a ticket from user gets added to the orginanisation "example company ltd"

Yep, if you edit your existing organisation and change to the 2nd tab called "Settings" there is a field called Email Domain / Auto Add Members From which should do this.

Hmm, just checking this and it isn't saving the setting ok so not working.If I put the setting in manually into the database in a field called "Domain" in table "ost_organization" everything looks to function ok.

Thanks pcjkollmorgenI just tried the "Auto Add Members From" and it doesn't work for me either.I'm unsure of how to edit the database manually.

I use PhpMyAdmin which I have installed on the same server.Unless someone else knows about this and has an easier solution, I'll try to look at this further, likely next week, and see if I can find out why it isn't saving the field into the database correctly.

4 days later

Don't suppose you (or anyone else) managed to find a solution for this.Is it affecting anyone else reading this?

I just tested this on my v1.10.1 install and all is working just fine. The Organization settings saves the email domain first try and every User that emails in with that domain gets added to the Organization.@[deleted] @[deleted] What version are you guys using? Also, are the Users already in the system? If so it will not add them after the fact, you'll have to add them to the Organization yourself. It will only add new Users from the time you save the domain.

I am using v1.10.1

I have just tested it with an email address that's not already in the system, and I can confirm that it works :)

Thanks Kevin

It would be nice if there was an option to "run/apply this rule/setting now" so existing email address could be added.

Mine's v1.10.1 but with a bunch of PRs applied. I'll look into mine further in the next few days but good to hear it is working ok for you guys. I'll tr y it out on stock v1.10.1.

It looks my trouble relates to PR #3904 Sorry Kevin!The interface shakes like it is missing something mandatory, I haven't looked any further than confirming I can add to and edit the ""Auto Add Members From" field without this PR and am unable to do so when it is applied.

@[deleted] I have updated the pull request. Please make the changes, re-test, and get back to me. Cheers.

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