Small tool to help with ticket notifications, enables easy collaboration and notification of others without having to assign tickets to them.

How it works:

Parses incoming messages for @[deleted], adds users/agents emails or names as collaborators on a ticket. Can also notice #mentions and send a notification to that person that they've been mentioned. Supplements the normal collaborators system.

Read more on the GitHub page. With details on how to configure how to lock it down etc.

Pull requests and feature requests always welcome, if you've a problem, please post to the issue queue ASAP so I can help you.


Only tested with no user login enabled.

Requires zero modifications to core.

Built for 1.10.

This has been in production for a while, our staff use it all the time.

FYI: agents added as collaborators will have a user account created for them so they can collaborate.

2 years later

RickxZen Well, we still use 1.10 (haven't upgraded yet), so yes, it still works for us.

4 years later

Hi, I install the plugin but when i open a new ticket from web i can't add a new collaborator.
I use Osticket version 1.17.5

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