Hello !I work on Windows Server + Apache24 (64Bits) + PHP 7.1.7 + MariaDB 10.2.6 + OSticket 1.10I setup SMTP email without trouble and I can receive incoming email IMAP but only send internal SMTP answer but not external ?Inside Apache log It's notice to add recipient: ****@gmail.com This are my remarks :1 : I use Exchange 2010 and open relay is configure OK2 : I try to another SMTP server also with open relay but same result3 : I try to change PHP version to 5.6.31 and 7.0.21 but same result, I try also to install Apache in 32bits... but no way. same results4 : I try with XAMPP server on my windows and It's working ?? I can use without trouble send email via my SMTP serverI really don't know at this state what can I do to fix this mistake ? Of course If I can't send confirmation to my external users, OSticket won't work for me... But in any case, why It's work with XAMPP ?Thanks in advance for your idea and support.