Good afternoon,I was looking for a way to unnasign a ticket when we transfer it departments, but nothing seems to be in place in 1.10.After researching this a bit, it looks like it was a feature in 1.9.7.Is there a reason this is no longer in place?In my mind this is extremely useful for how we use osTicket as we have many departments at our headoffice using it.Almost all employees only belong to one department, so we always have to assign it to someone in that department (possibly the wrong person) and then transfer it to their department.Any help is appreciated.Thanks

If the department have the setting assignedmembersonly it looks like it'll reset the staff assigned but not if it's assigned to a team

You could replace the staffid=0 line with $this->unassign(); to do it properly and include team.

5 years later

Hey all, just FYI, this seems to work only if the Department Assignment (for the dep it is being transferred to) is set to: Department Members. If "Primary members" is set, it won't unassign the agent .. @KevinTheJedi

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