- Edited
Hi,I read that alot of people are searching for a on-hold status with a tab, so i decided to make a small mod/tutorial for it.Step 1. Create a ticket status in the "Custom lists" tab.We call this status "On-Hold" and set the state to "Open"Step 2. Open the file "Tickets.php" (Located in: \scp)On line 435 add the following code:
By adding an extra piece of code you can have the menu show the amount of tickets with the "On-Hold" status which have been answered.
If you want this to be shown, make sure the "tickets.php" file looks like this instead:
Step 3. Open any SQL database program (such as PHPmyadmin)And go to the "OST_ticket_status" table.Step 4. Search for the status you added called "On-Hold" and memorize the ID.
Step 3. Open the file "tickets.inc.php" (Located in: include\staff)On line 92 add the following code:
Once you've done this the tab "On-Hold" will be added in the ticket list:
Once a ticket is now put on the status "On-Hold" they will be visible in the "Onhold" menu.Any other requests?Let me know.Best regards,Nick