I was using version 1.9.15 and had two applications installed, one http://mysupport.com/ and http://mysupport.com/2, at http://mysupport.com/ the open.php page showed only The public help topics and at http://mysupport.com/2 only the private topics, because I had the interface for external users and internal users, using the same database, because one can not see the topics of the other.I did this by modifying class.topic.php at http://mysupport.com/2/include at line 261:If (! $ Names) {            $ Sql ​​= 'SELECT topic_id, topic_pid, ispublic, isactive, topic FROM' .TOPIC_TABLE                . 'WHERE isactive = 1 AND ispublic = 0 ORDER BY `sort`';            $ Res = db_query ($ sql);            // Fetch information for all topics, in declared sort order            $ Topics = array ();            While (list ($ id, $ pid, $ pub, $ act, $ topic) = db_fetch_row ($ res))                $ Topics = array ('pid' => $ pid, 'public' => $ pub,                    'Disabled' =>! $ Act, 'topic' => $ topic);What I want to know is how to do this in version 1.10, since class.topic.php is different, I could not enter the WHERE so that only private threads are displayed.If anyone can help me, I appreciate it.

The same function "getHelpTopics" in the 1.10 at class.topic.php:static function getHelpTopics($publicOnly=false, $disabled=false, $localize=true) {        global $cfg;        static $topics, $names = array();        // If localization is specifically requested, then rebuild the list.        if (!$names || $localize) {            $objects = self:()->values_flat(                'topic_id', 'topic_pid', 'ispublic', 'isactive', 'topic'            )            ->order_by('sort');I want select only ispublic=0 on table, but how?

5 years later

How Can I modify the v.1.16.3. source code, that users can see only the tickets of the public topics? I want to hide the tickets of private topic from the users.


    This thread is 5 years old. I doubt you’ll get a response. Killing this zombie thread.


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