I use a "notes" field of the organization to maintain some general information which is important for the ticket processor. In the ticket (detail) view I want to see this note right below the standard info box (Status, Priority, Department ...). I want to do this as modification, until I found a better solution.I don't develop in PHP very often, although I have some development skills. So I hope someone can help me to get the "notes" content from database. The output part should not be a problem for me.Output:include/staff/ticket-view.inc.php...<table class="ticket_info" ...-> Here I will add a new row with the notes from organization ...Get notes/Question:The notes I want to display are stored in table ost_organization__cdata-notes - I am not sure if this is a standard field, it is also possible that we created this field by ourself in the organization form.I found some other calls to access organozational data, e.g. $user->getOrganization()->getName()I assume that getOrganziation will return an object of include/class.organization.phpI had a look into this class, but I found no method to return the notes (would be to easy ...), most probably because it is a dynamic field...Is there any other way using this class to get the notes? Maybe with the getDynamicdata method?Thanks a lot for any input :)

OK, got it - actually it wasn't to difficult once I understood the organizations class:ticket-view.inc.php:...<table class="ticket_info" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="940" border="0">    <tr>        <td width="50%">            <table border="0" cellspacing="" cellpadding="4" width="100%">                <tr>                    <th width="100"><?php echo __('Status');?>:</th>                    <td><?php echo ($S = $ticket->getStatus()) ? $S->display() : ''; ?></td>                </tr>                <tr>                    <th><?php echo __('Priority');?>:</th>                    <td><?php echo $ticket->getPriority(); ?></td>                </tr>                <tr>                    <th><?php echo __('Department');?>:</th>                    <td><?php echo Format:($ticket->getDeptName()); ?></td>                </tr>                <tr>                    <th><?php echo __('Create Date');?>:</th>                    <td><?php echo Format:($ticket->getCreateDate()); ?></td>                </tr>                <!-- Modification -->                <tr>                    <th>Notizen:</th>                    <td><?php if ($user->getOrganization())                                  echo $user->getOrganization()->getVar('notes')                         ?></td>                </tr>                               <!-- End Of Modification -->            </table>        </td>

Glad you got it figured out, and thank you for sharing what you did.

8 years later

huge help, just added to show links for the organization for quicker access. in V1.18 the location is slightly different now.

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