Hello everybodyI'm looking for a smart way of changing the value of CLIENTINC_DIR when loading the page.I want to seperate the files that generates a view for the user from the core files. The themes for osTicket that I've found so far, are all changes to the core files wich complicates an upgrade of osTicket further on. I've tried to see if it is possible via a plugin, but from what I can figure out, the plugin is loaded after index.php initiates client.inc.php and thereby sets the constants used for generating paths for content-generating files..Does anyone has any ideas?

As an OSTicket fan, I am all about this idea, because having to document where you make the customization can take a long time that you may not have. A child like theme would be awesome, Wordpress uses this type of feature and it would definitely be cool to see it as something like a plugin or feature. With that said, if there is any other avenue where you find a way of doing this, please do let me know. 

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