I need to chanege the source option in 1.10 stableI researched past methods to change sources and none seemed to apply to the current version.I began to read through the code and changed include\class.ticket.phpLines 142-157:   // Ticket Sources    static protected $sources =  array(            'Driver' =>            /* @[deleted] */ 'Driver',            'Mechanic' =>            /* @[deleted] */ 'Mechanic',            'Employee' =>            /* @[deleted] */ 'Employee',            'API' =>            /* @[deleted] */ 'API',            'External' =>            /* @[deleted] */ 'External',            'DOT' =>            /* @[deleted] */ 'DOT',            );Moved it back to the server and tried to create a ticket.The good news - nothing broke; The bad news it prints blank under the new ticket.Does anyone have any insight into what I need to change to actually include the source entry?

Hey chief, I haven't used/played with 10 yet, but in previous versions, it is hard-coded in the include/staff/ticket-open.php.Just checked: https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket/blob/develop/include/staff/ticket-open.inc.phpThey've a new system! ok.Looks like you were on the right track, adding that to class.ticket.php should make it available to the ticket-open.inc.php via Ticket:() function. So creating a ticket as a staff member should give you all of those options.Looks like everything else relies on that or simply the $ticket->getSource() method.. Where are you seeing this blank? In the create/new drop-down or the ticket view, or ticket-edit?

8 months later

Hey ntech,I really new to osTicket and was on the same boat as you so don't know if you already resolve your issue or still pending but you can look at this post for the answer.http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//change-or-add-ticket-source-v1-10#latest@[deleted]It seeing blank when you open the ticket, the Source field is blank and if you look at the DB it is also. That happen if you only edit the class.ticket.php.Thanks...

I haven' checked for this case but i know that they have restrictions on what values can be inserted into the sql, so try modify that.

It's probably better to add as a field anyway, the ticket source really has only three options.

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