Dear Team,Is there a way to integrate SMS notifications on Ticket creation / assignment / overdue etc in OSTicket.If Yes, can you please provide the solution / divert me to any Mod which is implemented successfully in the past.I searched and found this link : not sure if this worked for anybody. So could you also please let me know if the content in the link works..? Because OSTicket application is in production and I do not want to play with it. Please guys help on this. Thanks in Advance..

Is there a way? Yes!

Am currently unsure if past mod written for 1.7.x would work in 1.9, and it really depends on the API of the SMS service. (Which one?)

Wouldn't be that hard to reimplement as a plugin though.

So what is the easiest way I could do the integration. We already have SMS Service Provider. But API / any Plugin which will help to accomplish the task ???Any Solution is much appreciated.. Please

Easiest? For me? Add them as a collaborator via an email to SMS gateway.


Easiest for you? Dunno, depends on who your provider is and if they have an API. I guess you should go on their website and find out if they have one mate.

Then figure out what kind of notifications need to be sent and to whom. (Clients, agents, managers, entire teams/departments/organisations) and when (assigned, opened, closed, updated, etc).

These will inform the plugin design.

No point making a plugin without those things.

    I'm interested.  He just means when you get a ticket it sends a text, right?

    Does this not work?

    @ Grizly: They (Service Provider) have an API. But no support from them for OSticket integration.- Notifications to be sent only while creating a new ticket, Stale Ticket.

    @ buck_rogers : I did not try I am not sure if it works. I did not see anyone claiming this worked. So Still waiting for a better proven solution.

    I wish I understood better.  Sorry.  It looked like the thread claimed it worked.  Maybe if you have a development environment you can test it?  I know not everyone can have two running instances.It sounds like you want a signal fired when you do X.  And that signal populates a URL and calls it with cURL or fopen.Is this correct?

    6 days later

    @buck_rogers  Sorry for the late reply.. I will try to implement it in the Dev instance. Trying to setup a temporary Instance.Meanwhile I was looking for the easy option. :(

    Was I correct in my understanding?  I'm interested in the SMS as well.

    yes your understanding is correct

    2 months later

    You can use external Bulk SMS API provided by the bulk SMS service provider

    moderator note: embeded url was: msg91 dot com slash sms-for-developers. Use this URL at your own risk, the content at said url has not be evaluated or endorsed by osTicket. (forum moderator: ntozier)

    2 years later

    Bulk SMS is safest way to promote your business online with guaranteed conversion. Get best Bulk SMS Service at affordable amount to get quick business.

    moderator note: embeded url was:smsala dot com. Use this URL at your own risk, the content at said url has not be evaluated or endorsed by osTicket. (forum moderator: ntozier)

    10 months later

    Hi there! I just want to send sms to client & manager, when the ticket status is closed can you help me on this. I am new to osTicket and i need some useful information from you can you guide me on this.

    Thanks in Advances.

    Hiya, sorry mate, I'm really short on time and wouldn't want to waste yours with something half baked, hiring a programmer to build a plugin for you should be relatively easy though, osTicket uses signals, there's plenty of open source plugins available as guides and curl+https api SMS services are cheap. With those three tools creating a plugin should be relatively easy.. I suggest forking my Slack plugin as it already does most of that, just needs the message templates changed and the event type selected differently.

    10 months later

    Hey everyone, we have just recently release an SMS integration with MoceanAPI for OS Ticket. You can download it at and install it by following the given instruction.

    You will need an account from here though.
    You can also refer to the pricing here
    Please let me know if you need any help with the integration! I'd be happy to help! 🙂

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