found a real solution. Had to search this forum a bit but found it!!!The problem IS in SMTP.php the file was not updated completely to incorporate php5.6.@[deleted] (sorry Shad for dragging you into this, but got to give you credit for the fix) found the problem in the SMTP.php config: I found in line 600 as follows : if ($tls && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.0', '>=') && extension_loaded('openssl') && isset($this->_esmtp) && strncasecmp($this->host, 'ssl://', 6) !== 0)I modify to : if ($tls && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '6.1.0', '>=') && extension_loaded('openssl') && isset($this->_esmtp) && strncasecmp($this->host, 'ssl://', 6) !== 0)It was in line 573 for me but, seems like a dev issue.....