Hello,could you please help me to find a solution for the following idea?I want to produce a ticket number like xxxWARDDMMYYMMHH(for example: GERWAR2304160945 -> 23.04.2016 at 09 o'clock)xxx = Chars from a customized form field, which are typed by the customerWAR = fixed charsD = daysM = monthY = yearMMHH = TimeThe current date and time should be filled in automatically.Until now, I found out, that I have to change the source code. Is file class.ticket.php in /include/ around line number 2500 the right place or do I have to change something somewhere different?Thank you very much in advance! :)best regards

3 months later

solved (version 1.9.14), here is my solution for custom TicketNumbers, I only do not know at the moment, if some errors would occur because of these changes, but I saw no dependencies of the ticketnumber. Please tell me, if you know, that there occur some errors by completely customised ticketnumbers:- Create Ticket with custom

Ticketnumber without Errors:

/include/staff/ticket-open.inc.php approximately line 115:


//////////////////////////////////////////////        //own part



            <td width="160"


                <?php echo __('Ticket




              <input type="text"





//////////////////////////////////////////////        //end of the own part


And /include/class.ticket.php

approximately line 2804:

//We are

ready son...hold on to the rails.


= $topic ? $topic->getNewTicketNumber() : $cfg->getNewTicketNumber();

$number =


- Edit Ticket with custom

Ticketnumber without Errors:



approximately line 59:



//////////////////////////////////////////////        //own part



            <td width="160"


                <?php echo __('Ticket




                <input type="text"





//////////////////////////////////////////////        //end of the own part



And /include/class.ticket.php approximately line 2260:



'.TICKET_TABLE.' SET updated=NOW() '







            .' ,source='.db_input($vars)


.' ,duedate='.($vars?db_input(date('Y-m-d

G',Misc:($vars.' '.$vars))):'NULL');

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