Above link solution does not work for me. When creating new ticket by using above modification it says " domain name is currently unable to handle this request."Any way I solved the problem in my own way as below. // $attachments =($cfg->emailAttachments() && $response)?$response->getAttachments()(); This code not working class.ticket.php - In Open function $referncid = ""; $sql10 = 'SELECT ref_id FROM `ost_ticket_attachment` where ticket_id='.$ticket->getId().' ORDER BY `attach_id` DESC'; if(($res10=db_query($sql10)) && db_num_rows($res10)) { while(list($refid)=db_fetch_row($res10)) { $referncid = $refid; } } $attachments = ThreadEntry:($ticket->getId(),$referncid); class.thread.php created new function - getAttachmentsforwardfunction getAttachmentsforward($tickid,$refid) { //XXX: inner join the file table instead? $sql='SELECT a.attach_id, f.id as file_id, f.size, lower(f.`key`) as file_hash, f.`signature` as file_sig, f.name, a.inline FROM ost_file f INNER JOIN ost_ticket_attachment a ON(f.id=a.file_id) WHERE a.ticket_id='.$tickid.' AND a.ref_id='.$refid;$res=db_query($sql);$rec=db_fetch_array($res);//$rec = "/autosupport/file.php?key=";//***************$id = $rec; $key = $rec; $hash=$rec;$minage = false;$minage = $minage ?: 43200;$gmnow = Misc:() + $minage;$expires = $gmnow + 86400 - ($gmnow % 86400);$pieces = array('Host='.$_SERVER,'Path='.ROOT_PATH,'Id='.$id,'Key='.strtolower($key),'Hash='.$hash,'Expires='.$expires,);$signature = hash_hmac('sha1', implode("\n", $pieces), SECRET_SALT);$handler = $handler ?: ROOT_PATH . 'file.php';// Return sanitized query string$args = array('key' => $key,'expires' => $expires,'signature' => $signature,);$rec = $handler . '?' . http_build_query($args);//***********$attachments = array();$attachments = $rec;return $attachments; }This modifications solved my problem