Hi, I have been using 1.10 RC2 (yes i know its a release candidate and not for production) - however, one of the mods i made to my 1.8 build was displaying tickets from certain topics on each users page (on the admin side of things). E.g on /scp/users.php?id=1 i would just list the tickets for a helptopic by modifying 'include/staff/templates/tickets.tmpl.php' to include a SQL WHERE helptopicid = 1 statement or something of that form.However, in 1.10 RC2, this page 'include/staff/templates/tickets.tmpl.php' no longer includes the SQL command for getting a users tickets. I assume this has been replaced by a better function, however i am having difficulty working backwards to see how the tickets get called, and at what point i can just get tickets for certain helptopics (and other conditions i might have).Has there been a function included for this / where should i start looking to write my own?

The same thing for me !

Can you post a screenshot how your mod looked like?

I fixed the issue last week, here is the solution, however it is badly programmed it does the filtering on the PHP side and not the SQL side so if my dataset gets to big the whole application will slow down - should be ok for now though:Add 'topic_id' to the array $tickets->values( on about line 47 - of include/staff/templates/tickets.tmpl.phpthen after the foreach (on about line 87) add an if statement, e.g.:   foreach($tickets as $T) {    if($T == 13) { // 13 is the topic ID i wanted to display.close paratheses where appropriate - apologies for line numbers, my code has a lot of edits ive lost track off.

I have edited the users page to have multiple tabs, i then duplicated the tickets.tmpl.php and changed the topicID numbers in the IF statement, and include the variations where appropriate. [ I also added 'created' to the array on line 47, as i find it useful to display the created date for tickets.  call using <?php echo Format:($T

Okay, so now i have a new issue with this page, namely

include/staff/templates/tickets.tmpl.php.Does anyone know how

many tickets will display on here?  For example, if a user has 2000

tickets, will all 2000 be displayed on this page? Are there any plans to

implement pagination on this section?I would like to edit this

page to stop it hammering my database, for example if a user has 10,000

tickets - how can i add a clause into the SQL request to only get

tickets of a certain status or based on date range or something...

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