Hi, just a quick one, has anyone written a mod to open a new ticket with a certain help topic pre-selected, or is there a built in variable for such requests?For example, you can pre-select the user on the new ticket form by passing the uid in a GET request:' tickets.php?a=open&uid=2 'I am thinking of something like 'tickets.php?a=open&uid=2&helptopic=topicA' and then topicA will be pre-selected on my dropdown.

Okay, so i solved my own issue, here is the code for anyone else:in your links that you want to chose help topic add: &topicId=12.For example, from my code, to pre select a user and help topic:<a href="tickets.php?a=open&uid=<?php echo $user->getId(); ?>&topicId=12">Then on 'includes/ticket-open.inc.php' add the following code:if(isset($_GET)) $info=$_GET ;This needs to be added above the line if (!$info) - which is approx line 8.

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