As long as I understand Department doesn't play any role in viewing a ticket. For exampleAgent 1 belongs to Dept 1 and belongs to Team 1Agent 2 belongs to Dept 2 and belongs to Team 2And the Agent above can see tickets only those things assigned to youIf a Ticket 10 is assigned to Dept 1 and Team 2Agent 1 can't view the Ticktet 10 unless it is assigned to Agent 1 or Team 1.So I think Product name can be a good candidate for department.That means we do have two products P1 and P2, people are working in both products in different sections like Development, Testing, Supports and Sales.In this scenario we can will do the flowing things1)Create two Departments P1 and P2.2)Create four Teams Development, Testing, Support and Sales3)Create roles(which decide who can create ticket, close ticket, manage knowledge base,etc...) needed by using Groups4)We will add people as agents and select Departments, Groups and TeamsKindly share your ides on thisThank you