Hi teryakisan,

Well I had to undo the changes for second status. We were getting errors every time someone created a ticket on the staff side. they would create a ticket then hit submit on get a server error message. The ticket would in fact be created, and the admin would get an email stating "Ticket rejected ( ) by filter "SYSTEM BAN LIST". Maybe I need to reload it again to see what happens. Any ideas what would cause this?

No Idea whatsoever other than either mis-installation by hand or overwriting previous mods with code from the download. My only advice is that if you have already made modifications to your OSTicket installation then you should most certainly do the install by hand and not overwrite your files with mine. If this is a brand new fresh install with no previous modifications, performing an overwrite would be ideal, and should result in a perfect installation.

Well it is a new install with no Mods, so i tried again with the same results. Then i figured i will do it by hand and that's when I discovered that your files were quite different than my fresh install (BTW I'm using 1.7ST) I not giving up as I can't see where your mod would create the behavior I've experienced. So it's kinda on the back burner for now. Thanks for the feedback.:)

Ok it now works flawlessly. I hand installed the code since teryakisan's was not compatible to mine. I believe teryakisan's code was written for RC4 and mine 1.7ST so that is why I believe it did not work for me. Thanks teryakisan for guiding me in the right direction:)

7 days later

No problem.

Download for 1.7ST added to first post.

Thank you!

This is great! I am sorry to bother you after saying thanks, but is there a way to use this SecondStatus field in a report, like add it to the Help Topic report, if that makes sense? I will mess with it, if I get it figured out, I will post back.

Do you mean to use %{ticket.work} as a variable in the canned responses?

is there a possibility to get the second status included in the email alert?

Do you mean to use %{ticket.work} as a variable in the canned responses?

No, I mean when you are on the Dashboard and want to run a report on your tickets, I would like to include the SecondStatus ... status ... on the reports.

I have managed to get this mode database driven, attaching the steps to follow and new files that are to be added.

It has worked for me, in case the same doesn't work for you kindly let me know so I can cross check and see what have I missed out in the steps.

Updated the files, noted down the error I made during copying the patch in a different file. The attached files will work correctly.

[simplestatus 1_7ST.zip](https://forum.osticket.com/assets/files/migrated/9/9a5be6cbdf3bd9f5e1c561952de6296.zip)

I have managed to get this mode database driven, attaching the steps to follow and new files that are to be added.

It has worked for me, in case the same doesn't work for you kindly let me know so I can cross check and see what have I missed out in the steps.

Whoa, thanks a lot! Going to try this today!

Merali780! That is awesome!

I think this is an awesome mod. I'd recommend this to be included in the next release, especially Merali780's Database version.

One note. After implementing Merali780's version, I cannot add a Second Status via the admin panel. It gives an error of " Unable to add Second Status. Correct error(s) below and try again."

That error is surprising, since there are only 2 items on the page: Name and the Active/Disabled radio buttons.

I can add a Second Status to the database manually, but adding a new one through the panel always gives an error, and fails.

Also, attempting to edit an existing Second Status fails with a similar error.

I think this is an awesome mod. I'd recommend this to be included in the next release, especially Merali780's Database version.

One note. After implementing Merali780's version, I cannot add a Second Status via the admin panel. It gives an error of " Unable to add Second Status. Correct error(s) below and try again."

That error is surprising, since there are only 2 items on the page: Name and the Active/Disabled radio buttons.

I can add a Second Status to the database manually, but adding a new one through the panel always gives an error, and fails.

Also, attempting to edit an existing Second Status fails with a similar error.

Thank You for pointing this out. I have attached the files that will work correctly.


It works perfectly now. No code edits, just drop the new files in over top.


25 days later

Not showing in ticket List


I installed this mod today. In edit ticket my the dropdown and update are working good. But in the Ticket listing screens, the new column does not appear. Seems I have missed something. I have gone over it a few times and cannot find the mistake. What file change would add this?

I notice in a posting by Beli777 that they made further improvements to this column. He describes mods to view.ticket.php, yet I dont see this file in the attached zip files.

Did I miss a step?

2 months later


it's work,

thank shttp://osticket.com/forums/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

2 months later

When i add yhis mod. i can use the drop down and everything. but when i make an new post in ticket. then push post replay the page go blanc.

if i go back i can se the post replay but the costumer didnt get any mail ?

when i remove all the files from this mood. everything is working again.

Thank you guys for this, it works like a charm, very good job!.

merali780: I have actually implemented your version cause I like the BD aproach better. Looking at the changes I see what it seems like an error to me:

I have followed your 'Read me.txt' and point number 3 says:

3) ALTER TABLE ost_config ADD COLUMN default_sec_state_id int(10);

Looking at the 'ost_config' table I see this:

mysql> SELECT * FROM ost_config;


| id | namespace | key | value | updated | default_sec_state_id |


| 1 | core | isonline | 1 | 2013-11-04 17 | NULL |

| 2 | core | enable_daylight_saving | 1 | 2013-11-04 17 | NULL |

| 3 | core | staff_ip_binding | 1 | 2013-11-04 17 | NULL |

| 4 | core | staff_max_logins | 6 | 2013-11-04 17 | NULL |

| 5 | core | staff_login_timeout | 2 | 2013-11-04 17 | NULL |

| 6 | core | staff_session_timeout | 200 | 2013-11-04 17 | NULL |

| 95 | core | landing_page_id | 3 | 2013-11-04 17 | NULL |

| 96 | core | offline_page_id | 1 | 2013-11-04 17 | NULL |

| 97 | core | thank-you_page_id | 2 | 2013-11-04 17 | NULL |


I think you wanted to create a new entry in the table, not a new column and therefore point number 3 should read something like:

INSERT INTO ost_config (namespace,key,value) VALUES ('core','default_sec_state_id', '1' );

Am I right in my assumption?



I am looking to install this mod as it would be very helpful. Two things. First are they implementing this into 1.8? If so I will wait and do a full upgrade later. Second, I work a Win Server so I do not have a PHPAdmin panel. I have a MySQL 5.2 CE workbench so I will need to add a column manually. Where do I add this column, and what do I name it?

Thanks in advance for any response.

I cannot speak as to whether or not this functionality will exist natively in 1.8, as I am not a developer on the team, just a guy who solved his own problem.

Also, I am hesitant to write updated code, until the 1.8ST milestone is reached. If anyone else wants to do it, feel free to jump right in.

I have never used the Workbench, so I can't help there, either. Sorry.

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