Hello,I am currently running osTicket 1.9.4, and wanted to autocomplete the User Information form found in /staff/ticket-open.inc.php, which is the Agent Panel -> Ticket -> New Ticket page.I know exactly where I need to edit the php file's form, however I need to access the name and email address values for the agent that is currently logged it. This would allow them to simply close the pop-up box and start entering Ticket Information and Options, with the user name and email already filled in with their own information without any additional typing.My assumption after looking at the php file would be that you can access the agent's name and email using the variables $thisstaff.name and $thisstaff.email but this didn't seem to work.If someone could kinda point out how to access these agent attributes I would greatly appreciate it!

I have discovered that the name of the current agent can be accessed using $thisstaff however I am still unable to find the email address associated with that staff member. Any help?

I have found the email address property!$thisstaff produces the name of the current agent logged in, while $thisstaff->getEmail() produces the email address of the current agent logged in.Please close this issue :)

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