Success in Creating the company field - included fixed files
Hey all,
I have successfully created the company field per the original poster's instructions and was able to get it to add the company field to the staff ticket list. All you have to do is add the column named company to your ost_ticket table.
I currently have a base os ticket install so if you to have a base install the attached files will add this field for you. The zip file has 6 files in it. When you unzip it it should create two directories one is clients the other is staff. One file should be outside these two directories.
This should make it a lot easier for anyone else trying to do this. If you want to see what i did just open the files and do a search for company and you will find my changes. The files go in the following locations:
Loose File
class.ticket.php /include
Client Folder in Zip /include/client /include/client
Staff Folder in Zip /include/staff /incllude/staff /include/staff
I hope this helps everyone out there.