I'm not sure if this has already been done, but I'm developing an application that connects to your install of OSticket. Users/customers will be able to click an icon on their desktop and submit a ticket directly through the application. The application will check for proper formatting of email address and phone number as well as ensure all fields are completed.

Also, the app gets system information and appends it to the ticket. It gets the system name, operating system, operating system version, architecture (32 bit or 64 bit), and public IP address.

Screenshots, and maybe a video coming soon.

That would be a very cool feature. Please let us know more!

I'm done with the app, just adding some more features that I personally wanted, but it can be customized. I'll be posting a video within the week.

Let me know when you do..We are interested on it as well

a month later

Sorry it took so long. I've been busy. Let me know if you have any questions or maybe want a customized application. Also, feel free to suggest improvements, etc. Here's the video:



Nice desktop app. Two suggestions...

1. Return back to main form or place a close button on your desktop app once the ticket is submitted.

2. First post on web systems ticket should contain on the header the name and surname of person who created the ticket.

Anyway....great job!

4 days later

This looks awesome

Is there anywhere we can download a prebuilt exe file just to test? Would love to get my hands on the source code but I do live in the real world.

PM me the URL to your install of osticket and I'll make an exe for you.

8 days later

Great Idea.

one more thing... is there a way to add a add. field, like i have it in my "online-Version"? we use often the company-Name-Filed (http://osticket.com/forums/showthread.php?t=873&highlight=company(http://osticket.com/forums/showthread.php?t=873&highlight=company))

cool if there is also a Language-File, to customize :-)

Great Idea!

This is a great idea and might actually be the solution I'm looking for. One of the biggest downfalls of OSTicket that I've noticed is that it does not have the ability for regular customers to sign in to manage all of their tickets.. that would be ideal for managing different client accounts.

This desktop program on the other hand may be a partial solution. Any chance that these desktop programs could be administered to different accounts with some of the information automatically filled out for them, behind the scenes?


Full Name: Required to be filled out

Email Address: Drop down or a predefined value sent to OSTicket system

Telephone: Automatically includes the base accounts phone #

Subject: Requires filling out

Issue: Requires filling out obviously.

And possibly a host of other fields can be put on there and greyed out unless the customer would like to check mark and change it? I'm interested in this because I have multiple clients where there are say 20 people in an office, but only 1 point of contact for that client. If your program could be modified and then just setup on their desktop, it would only require them to really fill out the subject and issue and maybe a name. This makes the customer feel like they have a direct link for support.

Any thoughts on this as the dev for your program? How do-able is it and how much work would that really involve?

2 months later

is it possible to have this application?

2 months later

Is it possible to submit the sorce code for this to edit or a complete aplication with settings file?

12 days later

SCP Desktop

would it be possible to make a SCP version of this desktop app?

11 days later


lets get the source code. I have soem custom fields and would love to add that functionality to the program you wrote

a month later

I want to apologize to everyone for the time it's taken me to get back to you. Since the latest release of osticket, I've had to modify some code to handle the new CSRF token thing. Basically had to find a way to handle cookies. Either way, the latest version of my desktop app now works with the latest version of osTicket!

Remote Desktop Control integration?

Hi Jason,

This app looks really nice.

In your YouTube video (@ around 01 - 01) you mention how you've customized your desktop app to allow your technicians the ability to take control of a clients computer.

What remote control (remote desktop application) did you integrate into your desktop app?

Just curious as we're getting ready to integrate OSTicket into our website. For us, most if not all pc tech/support issues we resolve for our small business clients are resolved through a remote desktop session. Whether it be with LogMeIn pro or the native MS Windows RDP client, 99% of all ticket resolutions happen via a remote desktop connection.

Great question. I actually used simple-help for the integration when I wrote the application. No longer using it but it is GREAT for stuff like this. Their application allows you to customize the whole connection and everything and compile a custom EXE for your particular set up. I included their exe as a part of the installer and just called that application on submit.

Thanks for the follow-up. Much appreciated. Is your app open source? Pricing? Can the menu's be customized... IE... different wording or do I need to know Java programming?

I'll check out "Simple-Help". This is off topic now but since you have experience in this area do you have a preferred "Remote Desktop/Control" app?

We're a really small shop that's grown more than we anticipated. LogMeIn pro works for our needs but it's really slow even on fast internet connections. MS's RDP client blows LogMeIn away speed wise but once you throw in more than 2 users/pc's behind the same natted ip, MS's RDP becomes it's own administrative burden configuration wise. Not everyone can afford TS.

Thanks for any suggestions. I hope to try your app out once we roll out OSTicket. It's a no brainer on how nice your app would be for our customers. Our plan was to just throw up a shortcut on their desktop for the support url and call it good. But this looks really nice.

PM me with details on what you'd like customized.

As far as a recommendation for desktop support, simple help was pretty amazing. It is also a java-based application. However, you do need a dedicated machine and a static IP address. Speed is dictated by your connection, not some third-party. You could even take an old laptop or some old machine and strip it down (remove unnecessary software) and throw simple help on it, open up ports on the machine and router and you're set. I've seen it run great on that pi computer.

There are other hardware solutions out there, albeit expensive, such as Bomgar($2,000 just to get started and only pays for one license with $300+/yr for maintenance).