Questions :

. why knowledge base categories can't be associated with departments and private by department?

- when, in ticket list, the preview comes, why can't close the preview by clicking outside its zone ? (i think the question applies for every place there is a preview box)

- in my case, phone number is most of cases internal (4 digits). Is there a way to setup the minimum number of digits for phone number ?

- why is ticket assignment comment really mandatory? Can't it be optional ?

- I see in database tables that the table ticket_thread contains an "updated" column. Are you planning on the possibility to edit ticket replies ?

Enhancements :

. Knowledge base :

- keeping track of modifications (when, who) and some previous versions for "rollback".

- save FAQ as PDF

. Tickets :

- when a ticket is associated to a given help topic, in staff panel, put a link to knowledge base for this help topic.

- Parameter whether phone number is mandatory or not.

- as you see ticket status as just open/closed, is it fair to add states "resolved" or "treated", "refused" and "canceled by user" and maybe "waiting for action"?

- is it possible to parametrize whether showing ticket thread in recent->old or old->recent mode ?

if a ticket thread is very very "big", everybody has to scroll to the end of ticket thread to get the answer

- Possibility to send the whole thread (but with no attachments files, except maybe new ones) in notifications

- Possibility of Email notifications in HTML, with personalizable parts (such as header

- Possibility of showing ticket age in ticket list instead of just its date of creation.

- Ticket linking/grouping (or merging)

- Ticket export to knowledge base

- Possibility for a staff to change of help topic (with keeping track of these changes)

- add a "state of progress" feature (if the help topic is a well defined one, with a procedure.. for customer service, it could be great...)

- recap with all files attached to the ticket (and the possibility to replace it)

. System:

- internationalization/multi-lang preparation.

- Webservice SOAP/JSON interface

- Multiple ticket types. For example : Demand / Issue / incident

2 months later

- why is ticket assignment comment really mandatory? Can't it be optional ?

I'd like to see this change as well. There doesn't always NEED to be a "reason" other than just, "this is who's doing the work".

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