SOLUTION:Here are the changes you should need to make in order that they appear in the file:Add Help Topic to sort array (make sure your sort array matches the following) :Line 151 (estimate): $sortOptions=array('date'=>'effective_date','ID'=>'ticket.`number`', 'pri'=>'pri.priority_urgency','name'=>'','subj'=>'cdata.subject', 'status'=>'ticket.status','assignee'=>'assigned','staff'=>'staff', 'dept'=>'dept.dept_name', 'helptopic'=>'helptopic');Set up your header where you want it in the table:Line 337 (estimate): <th width="120"><a <?php echo $topic_sort; ?>
href="tickets.php?sort=helptopic&order=<?php echo $negorder;
?><?php echo $qstr; ?>"title="Sort By Topic <?php echo $negorder; ?>">Help Topic</a></th>Next is your <td> or table data that will populate the help topic.
Make sure this is placed in the same position as your header with
regards to the other columns so everything lines up.Line 422(estimate): <td><?php echo (isset($row)) ? $row : ' ';?></td>I hope this
helps. I think this is all you should need to add the help topic
column. Let me know if you run into any problems.