If staff closed the tickets, its not displaying in his Closed Tickets list. And it is displaying in Users Closed Tickets list as well as it is showing in Admin's Closed Ticket list.But it is not showing in the STAFF closed tickets list. Actually staff closed the ticket, so it should display in his Closed ticket list.Suppose, if STAFF wants to check what are the tickets closed by himself. In that case, how do he check???Please suggest us.

So am I right...

Ticket is open and a staff member (e.g. Alice) closed the ticket.

Now the closed ticket appears in the "Closed tickets" view of the user(ticket owner) and of the admin, but not in the "Closed Tickets" view of that specific staff member (Alice).

Is that correct or did I misunderstood this issue?

Yes, Exactly. How do he check his Closed Tickets?? Please suggest us.

And also, can u suggest how to validate Email Address for particular Domain. For Example @[deleted]It means it should allow only email Id's which ends with @[deleted]Please suggest what and all changes need to be manipulated in PHP files??

You'll need to give staff access to department in question if you want them to have continued access. Staff gaining access to tickets via assignment will lose the access on ticket closure.On address restriction - simply setup a ticket filter (Admin Panel > Manage > Ticket Filters)  to reject tickets without @[deleted]

Here, it filters only tickets while creating. But I am asking while creating an account. How to restrict the other domain email Address. For Example i want to restrict the email address which contains gmail domain. Please suggest what and all files i need to change??

a month later

sirry for interrupt but i do believe at closed tickets panel, on ticket table they already said Closed By. u know who close which ticket by only viewing the table. Ticket





Closed By

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