Hi, I would like to start working on a small improvement which is needed in my current application. I am writing here to propose such feature and get advice on how to implement it.For tickets opened by email I need to populate custom ticket fields (as defined in the custom form) by searching the email body for variable assignments.Example:The current topic is associated to a custom form that has one custom field whose variable name is "customer_id".If the email body contains "customer_id=8890" then the ticket variable customer_id gets the value 8890.My plan is to modify MailFetcher: by making it parse the contents of $vars for the first occurrence of <variable_name>=<value> for each variable name defined in the custom form eventually associated to the topic.Questions:1) do you see a better approach?2) where do I get the list of custom variables for the topic?4) do I need to perform the validation of the custom variables or it is already done later?5) is it sufficient to add items to $vars for each custom variable that I find assigned in the email body?Thanks a lotRodolfo