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Hi,I am trying to find the right way to pull/attach my custom fields/forms into tickets and have some questions.osTicket: 1.8.0Host OS: Ubuntu Linux 13.04Apache 2.2.22PHP: 5.4.9MYSQL: 5.5.34Scenario: my company makes computer hardware and dedicated software products for said hardware. So for each ticket, I would like to have associated with it the name of the hardware being used and the name of the software product (if any) too. 1. Logically, these belong with the ticket details and if I add list types and then add fields to the "Ticket Details" custom form then that's fine - they're usable for new tickets only. For old tickets the fields aern't visitble. I can probably live with that. I think I read something in an earlier custom-fields post about the way the database works and how that relates to custom fields so I am aware of why this might be that way it is. Anyway, this is a massive feature in v1.8 so thanks for implementing it.2. If I add the custom fields to a custom form, then what makes the custom form appear when examining a ticket in SCP? I want to have two fields that record why the ticket is to be closed (e.g. we fixed it, customer fixed on own, third party fix, no fix, not a problem) and a customer feedback rating (good, okay, crap etc.). Ideally, these would be available only when closing the ticket.3. I would like to associate a user more closely with a company. Although it's possible to record company identity for user when the ticket is being submitted, I don't see that data in ticket anywhere even although it is in the "Contact Information" form. Also there's the "Company Information" form but I need to work out the answer to #1 to use this.By the way, I have upgraded from 1.7.3 through 1.8 in its rc1 and rc2 foms so it's possible something's gone awry with my installation (although I think I have followed the installation instructions carefully).I had a thought that custom forms might be a separate record types in themselves (and thus relate to SQL tables) although an examination of my osticket database suggests that's not the case.Obligatory (but deserved) congratulation: well done on getting 1.8.0 out. I have been playing with this for a while (having been looking for such a tool on and off for a few years) and if I can get my custom forms/fields sorted out, I plan to go live with this soon. This looks like a good replacement for my our nice but (for political reasons) abandoned SalesForce.com setup, and will save us from the clutches of the Mothership's hideous Siebel installation.Best regards and thanks in advance for any responses,Aidan