- Edited
Hello everyone. Yesterday I started testing osTicket and so far it's looking great! Congratulations for this great job.
I have a few questions that I'd appreciate you to answer:
-I saw (here) that it's possible to have statistics for tickets by department, and also to know customer satisfaction. I'd like to know where to get this info, as I've been moving around all the options in the admin panel and can't seem to find it. I'm specially interested in the customer satisfaction thing. Is it some kind of survey or rate in the ticket? Do I have to enable it somewhere or is it a mod?
-Yesterday I configured my email server so osTicket can generate tickets from emails, and it works like a charm, but I keep receiving this message in the Dashboard: "PHP must be compiled with IMAP extension enabled for IMAP/POP3 fetch to work!". Is it related?
-I want staff members to be able to reply tickets by email, like customers. Apparently you have to modify osTicket's code, but I'd rather not do that. Are there plans to add this as an option in Preferences?
-Is it possible to create themes? I'd like to change the design a bit.
Thanks in advance! :)