- Edited
I have just installed osTicket 1.73 and everything is going well except for when someone replies to an email response to a ticket.
So Joe Public posts a ticket and Admin/Staff gets to respond to it in osTicket - (Admin/Staff also gets an email saying there's a ticket in).
Joe Public then gets the Admin/Staff response in an email, and he posts a reply to the email (I did '--- Post any reply above this line ---') - Admin/Staff then gets an email with Joe Public's response BUT nothing gets updated in the osTicket Ticket System.
I'm sure it's just a small thing I am missing but I can't figure it out :)
PHP Ver. 5.4.20
MySQL Ver. 5.5.32-cll
O/S. Linux
Apache Ver. 2.2.25
In Email Options & Settings I have Incoming Emails set at Enable POP/IMAP Polling - However I have not setup any special cron job or enabled auto-cron polling ... is this what's wrong? If so what do I do here (I know how to setup a cron job but not the specifics for this one).
Any help would be much appreciated, I apologise in advance if I have missed something stupid ... sometimes comes with age :)