Is there a way to set it up, so when the system sends a reply ticket to the customer after you added a reply, it will put the ticket number (IE:, so in the event that the customer hits the reply button, it will just update the ticket?

I never used that before but I beleve you are looking to use the email fetcher.

You would set that up in your SCP under Setting -> email settings. And Emails then what email will take the incoming replys. Then add the ticket number variable to the email template. So you would just add %ticket in the subject and that will give it the number.

I know about that, but what I am referring to, is when the email reply is sent to the customer, it makes it appear like that

Where 12345 would be the ticket number.

So, if the client replied to the email, instead of using the link in the email, when they send the email, it would update the existing ticket.

I hope someone can provide a solution for this, or something similar. It would be great for when the customer replies to a ticket via email, that will show the ticket number BEFORE the @ sign, so the existing ticket is updated, and a new ticket is not created.

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