I know this would be a greate mod for osticket.

hope someone can create this one.

Kept on mind for next week. I published the final thread of time tracking for tickets (waiting for the OK of one of the moderators in this forum...), so i will try this after it.


9 days later


I hope you can do it.

15 days later
15 days later

well i am posting my almost done mod.

in your MySQL DB add:

ALTER TABLE `ost_staff` ADD COLUMN `ismanagr` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `isadmin`;

in include/class.staff.php

search:function isManager() {

return (($dept=$this->getDept()) && $dept->getManagerId()==$this->getId())?true;


add afert that:

function ismanagr() {

return ($this->udata)?true;


in the same file search:

$sql=' SET updated=NOW() '.


add after that:


in include/staff/staff.inc.php


<td class="mainTableAlt">

<input type="radio" name="isadmin" value="1" <?=$rep?'checked':''?> /><font color="red"><b>Admin</b></font>

add after that:

<input type="checkbox" name="ismanagr" value="1" <?=$rep?'checked':''?> /><font color="green"><b>Manager</b></font>

With this you have the checkbox manager option in the staff account permissions section.

i can call this function ($thisuser->ismanagr())

but i dont know where can i use the function to give prermission to the user (with the managr option)

i need help in this step. Hope someone can help me with this.

Ok i found the solution:


5 months later

Please helpme whit multiple managers

I did everything I explain, I get the preferences of staff to choose manager in green color, but it makes no difference, making that check the user can not see all the tickets of that department, just as if I put the tab manager department, but I was like, I need to have multiple managers who can view all tickets for this department, please help.


Tell me what you have done and give me a screenshot.

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