How can i create a user that only can see all the tickets?

this user can see every dept but only see nothing else. even this user cant send or reply the tickets.

is there a way i can do this?

  • dolon

    This thread is 11 years old. Please do not be a necromancer. Open your own thread with the relevant information.

    Yes, you can have a View Only Role however the Agent will still be able to leave Internal Notes to Tickets they have access to. To create a View Only Role go to Admin Panel > Agents > Roles, click Add New Role, disable all Permissions in all three tabs (uncheck all the boxes), and click Save Changes. Once added you can assign the Role to any Agent.

    With that being said, I'm killing this zombie thread with a headshot. 🧟‍♂️ 💥 🔫


5 days later

Try this:

1. Create a new user group which has the ability as following:

- cannot create tickets,

- cannot edit tickets,

- cannot close tickets,

- cannot transfer tickets,

- cannot delete tickets,

- cannot ban emails,

- cannot manage premade.

2. Select all departments to the user group.

3. Assign this user group to the user.

Is that what you want?


Masino Sinaga

almost what i want but the problem is that this user can reply the tickets or assign them to other user.

is there an option to block this?

23 days later

i solved my problem.

if any one needs a read only user i mean to avoid reply or post note you can do the following:

in class.ticket.php

search for:

function postResponse($msgid,$response,$signature='none',$attachment=false,$canalert=true){

global $thisuser,$cfg;

if(!$thisuser || !$thisuser->getId() || !$thisuser->isStaff()) //just incase

return 0;

and replace it with:

function postResponse($msgid,$response,$signature='none',$attachment=false,$canalert=true){

global $thisuser,$cfg;

if(!$thisuser || !$thisuser->getId() || !$thisuser->isStaff() || $thisuser->getId()=="33") //just incase + Read only user by Ozkr

return 0;

then search:

function postNote($title,$note,$alert=true,$poster='') {

global $thisuser,$cfg;

add after that:

if($thisuser->getId()=="33") //Read Only User by Ozkr

return 0;

remember to replace the number 33 with the id of the user you want to avoid posting. You can search the id in your DB or with an echo.

hope this can help you.

11 years later

Hi All,
is there any solution for read-only role? There should be by default something like that. I use 1.17.3


    This thread is 11 years old. Please do not be a necromancer. Open your own thread with the relevant information.

    Yes, you can have a View Only Role however the Agent will still be able to leave Internal Notes to Tickets they have access to. To create a View Only Role go to Admin Panel > Agents > Roles, click Add New Role, disable all Permissions in all three tabs (uncheck all the boxes), and click Save Changes. Once added you can assign the Role to any Agent.

    With that being said, I'm killing this zombie thread with a headshot. 🧟‍♂️ 💥 🔫


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